Katie & Casey
October 20, 2012     Townsend, TN

Your presence would mean more to us than a present. However, if you would like to give us something, this page offers some suggestions.

Due to time constraints (We are both currently in school), we will not be going on a honeymoon immediately following the wedding but instead are going to Hawaii the following spring!

We have set up a "honey fund" that will allow people to donate money to this honeymoon experience if they wish. (Cash donations also graciously accepted in check or legal tender form.)

We would prefer either no gift or a honeyfund donation. (It's much more important for us to go on this vacation than it is to get another set of pillow cases.) But we have registered at Macy's and Target if you wish to purchase an actual gift. However we have not selected many items since we don't really need much and want to avoid accumulating more "stuff."


Because the wedding is in TN and we will have to drive back to Pittsburgh when the festivities are over, we politely ask that you do not bring a physical gift to the wedding. Please bring either a gift certificate or card only. We will not have room in our car to take large gifts back to our home.

If you want to buy a physical gift, please send it to:

Casey and Katie Wagner
3605 Laird Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15212